JavaScript for Microcontrollers


Find out how easy it is to get started with Embedded software and Bluetooth Low Energy using Espruino and Puck.js. Bring your own laptop and learn how to use Puck.js - either controlling it from a Website with Web Bluetooth, or using the Espruino IDE to develop and debug wirelessly.

You'll need a laptop with Bluetooth 4 support, or you can use non-bluetooth Espruino boards via USB (if you're using a new Mac make sure you have a USB Type A dongle!). We'll be bringing LCD displays, buttons and breadboard along, so you can make your own games.


9 am: start - intro to Espruino and Puck.js
9:30 am: Getting started with Espruino on your computer, and making a simple game
10:30 am: Making your own thing with Espruino
11:30 - 12:00 am: small lunch break with hot snacks
1:30 pm: demos of what's been made, free Puck.js to the best project
Approx. 2 pm: end

No hardware or software knowledge needed - you can even use a graphical programming language to control Espruino if you're new to writing code.

Write Embedded software with Bluetooth LE using Espruino and Puck.js.


// Gordon Williams Gordon Williams

has been working on Espruino for the last 4 years, an Open Source (hardware and software) JavaScript interpreter for microcontrollers. He has run three successful KickStarter campaigns, and has been able to fund himself to work on Espruino full-time. Before that he worked in a variety of areas, from compiler design to 3D graphics, and did a degree in Computer Science at Cambridge university.